Located at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC), the high-level waste Tank Farm includes 11 underground stainless steel storage tanks used to store the radioactive liquid waste generated during the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel and plant decontamination work. No leakage has occurred from the tanks. The tanks are encased in concrete vaults which have sumps and leak detection. Seven tanks
have been cleaned to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) standards and have been grouted in place for final closure. The remaining four tanks (three full and one spare) will be cleaned and grouted once the sodium-bearing waste has been removed. Some leaks from transfer lines outside the tanks have occurred, and this drives the current cleanup program. An asphalt cap was constructed over a large portion of the Tank Farm and additional water diversion methods have been employed to divert rain and snowmelt from the Tank Farm.
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